The team at Biostache is passionate about news!

Biostache was started in 2024 as a passion project between four friends who met in a biotech masters. They decided to apply the knowledge and interests they were gaining to the industry. 

Our authors


Daniel is a scientist and one of our cofounders passionate about bridging the gap between cutting-edge biotech research and the public. His expertise lies in biotechnology, finance and stem cell research. Leveraging a strong background in pharmacology, Daniel aims to translate complex scientific research into clear and engaging stories for a broad audience.

Progesterone negative feedback works with the hypothalamus to lower the excretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which results in the reduced secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH) by the anterior pituitary gland. FSH and LH are vital to the establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. Therefore, with the limited amount of those hormones being released, ovulation and follicular development isn’t occurring. As a result, estradiol which is produced by the follicle isn’t maintained. Consequently, the progesterone-negative feedback and lack of estrogen-positive feedback mechanism on LH ultimately results in the prevention of ovulation.  Additionally, progesterone also acts to inhibit sperm from entering the cervix by creating mucus membranes. In the COC pill, estrogen acts similarly to progesterone, however, it is less effective.


Harry Glaspole is an editor and one of four cofounders at Biostache. With a bachelor’s degree in cell and developmental biology, he has amassed a wealth of knowledge in the underlying science behind biotechnological breakthroughs and angles his contributions to the website from this lens. His interests lie in the entrepreneurial and technical aspects of the biotech industry in Australia.


Ryan Wallace is a contributor and cofounder at Biostache. Ryan also completed a bachelor’s degree in science, majoring in cell and developmental biology. The learnings completed during this time spurned further interest in biotechnology, particularly the use and advancement of gene technologies. His focus is on genetically modified organisms and how they benefit the agricultural sectors of Australia, as well as their challenges.


Sam Ruba is a contributor and a cofounder at Biostache and has a sophisticated understanding of the research sector within the biotech industry. Having completed a bachelor’s degree in biotechnology at the University of Newcastle, he has a keen interest in reproductive biotechnology and the development of novel infertility treatments in both men and women. He aims to discuss current and emerging reproductive biotech innovations and their relevance to the everyday person.

“It’s not what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for certain that just ain’t so.” 

– Mark Twain